How to Declutter Your Home Fast

Saskia Rose
November 02, 2023
Honestly, the mere thought of decluttering can be daunting, discouraging, and boring. It's time-consuming, exhausting, and a big reminder of how much stuff you own. You've most likely told yourself countless times, "I'll get to it eventually," or you convinced yourself that you simply don't have the time.
Well, it doesn't have to be! With these decluttering tips, you can learn more about modular furniture, get organized, save money, and a whole lot more! Read on to learn how to declutter your home fast. Transform that pesky clutter situation into a clean and tidy home.

Reasons to start decluttering
Perhaps some family members make an unexpected visit, and you don't want them to see all the stuff you've accumulated. Or, you're tired of opening that one cabinet that always has Tupperware pouring out like a broken faucet as soon as the door swings open. Although these are good reasons for starting your decluttering process, they're not the only benefits you seek to gain.
Mental effects
A clean, clutter-free environment helps reduce your stress and anxiety. It's nice to have things, but too much visual clutter can overload your senses.
This can affect different aspects of your life, such as your sleep, creativity, and productivity.
Once you've removed all the clutter, it will be much easier to focus on tasks. You'll get better rest, and your environment feels more calm and breathable.
Money talks
One of the best ways to ensure you have less clutter in your home starts with your spending habits.
Unless you're Shaquille O'Neal and can afford to fill your entire house with $70,000 worth of items in one day, you need to remember that clutter builds gradually. So, the more money you spend, the more clutter you bring into your home.
We're not suggesting you stop buying things altogether - you worked hard for your money, so you should spend it how you want.
But! Be mindful of how you spend your cash. Before you make a purchase, ask yourself a few questions:
Do you have the space for it?
Do you need it?
Do you already have an item at home that can perform the same function?
Will you make use of it?
By simply asking yourself a few straightforward questions, you can not only make decluttering easier but also save some extra cash!

Less is less
Apart from spending less, making your home clutter-free means you have less to clean! Gone are the days when you spend hours sifting through all your stuff just to find one particular item. Your decluttering efforts will lead to a more organized home with no extra cost to your pocket.
You'll have more energy to focus on doing the things that you love and spending time with friends and family.
In a nutshell; the less you have, the less you need to worry about.

How to declutter your home fast
To declutter quickly, you're going to need four boxes to get started.
The four-box method makes decluttering easier and helps with decision-making. It's especially useful if you struggle with this.
It makes the process less daunting and breaks down the mountain of decluttering into manageable, bite-size tasks.
Your four boxes will be labeled: trash, donate, keep, and relocate.

We can use this for items such as receipts, old magazines, newspapers, items beyond repair and no longer functioning, or things you no longer use.
Throw away any duplicate items. When sorting through duplicates, ask yourself which one you reach for first or use the most. If you have a favourite, you can get rid of the others.
If the items you no longer use are still functioning, you can add them to the next box, which is -
These would be the items that still have good use but you just no longer use, such as old clothes, shoes, accessories, and appliances that are still functional but replaced.
If you don't use them, it's better to give them away than let them sit in cabinets.
Plus, if you're not a giving person and don't want to place your precious stuff into a donation box, you can sell them and make a few extra bucks! This way, you're not only decluttering, but you're also filling your wallet. Score!
Remember, the entire point is to declutter, and it's no use if you're going to hold on to things that serve no purpose.
This box needs no explanation.
You will most likely fill them with sentimental items, appliances that you use regularly, clothes that you still wear, etc.
Keep only the items you use frequently, not those you're saving for a rainy day.
Of course, there are seasonal items that you won't use as regularly, such as your Christmas decorations. For these items, it's best to keep them in clear containers with labels. This ensures that you’re able to see its contents and you don’t end up purchasing duplicates.
As you're decluttering, you'll come across some items that don't belong where you found them. Maybe an earring you thought you lost weeks ago ends up next to the TV, some office supplies, or your kids' toys are under your bed instead of theirs.
Save time by placing things in the box and returning them to their proper location while cleaning each room instead of going back and forth between them.
You can have a fifth box for items that need to be fixed, but if it's been damaged for quite a while and you haven't used it in a long time then it's best to just throw it in the trash bag.
Because let's be honest, if it's taken you this long to fix it, chances are you're never gonna get around to it. So, throw it away!
Clean as you go
Keep a cleaning rag and a multi-surface cleaner on hand so you can wipe surfaces and get rid of stains as you go. However, try not to spend too much time on cleaning to the point where you forget about your main objective: decluttering!
Where to start your decluttering process
Now that you've prepped yourself for your decluttering session, let's start with the biggest challenge: time.
We often underestimate just how much time and energy goes into decluttering. Before you start, set realistic expectations on what you'd like to achieve by the end of the day. If you have a big house, you most likely won't get through all of it by the end of the day, and that's okay!
Having a clear idea of what you want to accomplish helps you avoid the common mistake of dumping all your clothes on the bed and not sorting through them by the end of the day. This way, you won't be left disappointed when the sun sets.
If you intend to declutter your entire home and not just a specific room, deciding where to start can be difficult. This is a problem, especially if you want to declutter fast.
Some might suggest you start with the trash, which is fair, but do you go to each room and collect the trash? That's too time-consuming!
Others might suggest you start with the room that bothers you the most, the room you use the most, or perhaps the bathroom because it's the quickest. Whilst all of these are great suggestions, they might not apply to you. So, it's best to start where you currently are.

No matter which room you choose to start your decluttering process, the first thing you need to do is take out the trash. From there, your tactics might differ as the rooms vary. In general, focusing on flat surfaces is a good idea.
As you sort through your toiletries, throw away any expired items. If you have toiletries that can still be used but you have no intention of using them, you can ask family members or friends if they'd be interested in them.
Any duplicates and half-empty containers can be combined.
Your bathroom might not have much clutter to sort through, but if it does and storage is an issue, look into investing in a bathroom vanity. This can be expensive and will take up some space. An alternative for this would be a storage cart or bathroom trolley.
Keep in mind that these storage units aren't for adding unnecessary clutter. Their purpose is to help keep the room well-maintained and clutter-free.
Any unused cookbooks can be discarded or donated. Chipped or cracked mugs and dishware can be discarded as well.
Get rid of expired foods in your pantry and fridge, as well as any old and unused vitamins and medication.
If your dishrags look old and battered, best to throw them away. Their time has passed.
Kitchen gadgets seem like a great idea when you purchase them but are rarely used as often as intended. If you haven't been using them, chances are you're never going to. You can either donate, sell or throw them away.
Any duplicates for cleaning detergents can be combined.
We all tend to have that one drawer where we store things we rarely use or intend to save for a rainy day. This tends to be where most clutter is gathered in the kitchen and most of the items inside the drawer are rarely used.
Living room
Any old CDs, DVDs, Blu-Rays, or VHS tapes that are not used can be discarded or sold.
The same applies to magazines, books, and newspapers. These take up unnecessary space and there is most likely a digitized copy available on streaming platforms.
Any toys can be placed in a basket in the kids' rooms. If you have any board games and puzzles with missing pieces, you can get rid of those as well.
Your living room will most likely have the most decorative pieces, sentimental items, and knickknacks compared to other rooms in your home.
If they make the room seem more cluttered than beautiful, you can discard them. You can choose to either donate, sell or throw them in the trash bag.
You'll most likely have some extra cords, wires, and chargers in the living room. You can store these in a container or make use of cable organizers to make them look more neat.
However, if you don't use them and they're kept for a "just in case" moment, don't hold onto them.
Your bedroom is a place of rest, and having too much clutter means that it will feel too busy for you to unwind.
After you've taken out the trash, focus on the flat surfaces such as your nightstand or dresser. Placing stray items in their respective containers makes the space feel more organized and calm.
You can use a tray for any jewelry or accessories.
Next, you can sort through your drawers and get rid of any unnecessary items.
Be sure to pack your clothing in your cabinets and all dirty clothing is placed in a hamper. Any old clothing you no longer wear should either be donated, sold, or thrown away, dependent on their condition.
If you're unable to properly store extra blankets and pillows, you can consider investing in modular furniture for your bedroom.

How modular furniture can help declutter your home
On your journey to create a clutter-free home, you'll find that some items aren't considered clutter, but they do take up space. These can be items such as extra pillows and blankets, towels, linen, etc.
There are many advantages to using modular furniture, one of them being space-saving and keeping your house clutter-free.
There are wide varieties to choose from, such as dining tables, ottomans, and the most widely known: the sectional sofa.
Modular furniture is great for decluttering, but they're pointless if you're not going to use them accordingly.
They're also great if you have limited space but need to accommodate unexpected events, such as hosting a large group of people. The Transformer Patio Conversation Set is perfect for just such an occasion!
Transformertable.com offers great multi-functional space-saving furniture that can adapt to your needs and uses responsibly sourced wood to give you beautiful, durable, strong, and versatile furniture pieces.